Update!!! Please send all orders via POLESAPART.COM.AU
The eBay platform has been a great stepping stone for Poles Apart over the last 4 years, but it has come time we learn to stand on our own two feet and we need your support! We are encouraging all our customers to use our web store for future orders.
What's in it for you?
1. Better prices! 

2. Better customer service.
3. Cheaper combined postage fees.
4. Easy to find our entire range in one location.
5. Your order history is on file.
6. Accurate stock availability.
7. Access to discounts and sales
8. Talk to us directly for custom products.
9. Buy the exact quantity you need, your not limited to eBay pack sizes of 2, 6, 10
10. Supporting the growth and independence of small businesses.
What's in it for us?
1. A lot less fees! We pay 25% or more in selling fees on eBay! No joke!
2. No more 'Outside of eBay trading rules' We can speak to our customers directly if they have questions or need assistance.
3. We can build a customer database and offer sales and discounts directly.
4. Expansion! The more we grow, the more products we can sell! Win win for both of us!
5. Global sales! Our BIG picture is global sales, but we need growth first!
Help us get there by buying via our web store 

Note* Yes, we are still processing orders via eBay during the transition stage.
For transparency and to ensure customers are getting the Best Prices available, the Poles Apart web store now displays eBay prices as our "Original prices" and our "Sale prices" are our discounted web store prices.